A slew of awesome creators deconstruct ‘The Dark Knight Returns’

‘Shitty Dark Knight’ brings together Dave Baker, Andrew MacLean, Jim Rugg, Zack Soto and more for the ‘worst possible execution’ of Miller’s classic comic.

In a week full of news and announcements about comics and related stuff, this right here is the one that most intrigues me. Several creators, including Zack Soto, Paul Maybury, Malachi Ward and Jim Rugg, have come together to “redraw” The Dark Knight Returns, the classic Frank Miller/Klaus Janson/Lynn Varley magnum opus from the 1980s. Their goal is to see how well the visual storytelling holds up.

Titled Shitty Dark Knight, the book can be pre-ordered from Dave Baker’s online store, and will also be available this week at Comic-Con International.

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Sunday Comics: Nothing to Wear, No Place to Go

Check out comics by Rachel Masilamani, Glynnis Fawkes, Stuart McMillen and more.

Today we’re rounding up the best comics we’ve seen online in the past few weeks. If we missed something, let us know in the comments below.

In Who Does He Favor? Rachel Masilamani meditates on family, heritage, and the impact that Donald Trump’s election (and the attitudes that allowed it) will have on her infant son. You can see more of her work at Mutha Magazine.

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