Evan Dorkin and Jill Thompson’s Beasts of Burden has appeared as a series of miniseries and one-shots over the years, winning awards and sharing tales from the fictional town of Burden Hill, where a group of dogs and cats defend their world against supernatural threats.
In the background of these stories has been another group called the Wise Dogs, who seem to have a much bigger jurisdiction than just Burden Hill. Dorkin and guest artist Benjamin Dewey (The Autumnlands, The Tragedy Series) will explore this other group in Beasts of Burden: Wise Dogs and Eldritch Men. Nate Piekos will letter the four-issue miniseries.
Beasts of Burden: Wise Dogs and Eldritch Men follows the heroic pack of canines known as the Wise Dogs as they take on a series of new horrors and find a link among seemingly unrelated occult disturbances plaguing Burden Hill and the surrounding areas.
Their discovery leads them to a mountain village inhabited by a survivalist witch-cult who have uncovered the existence of a “Blood Lure” attracting occult forces, creatures, and many more terrors to Burden Hill!
ICYMI: I illustrated a #BeastsOfBurden run that'll be out this summer! Please tell your LCBS you'd like to get in on the fun. I'm super excited to be working with @evandorkin, @blambot & doing my best to pay homage to @thejillthompson on this great series.https://t.co/RJBoiwzTKA
— Benjamin Dewey (@BenjaminDewey) April 17, 2018
Beasts of Burden began as a recurring feature in the Dark Horse Book of … anthologies before graduating into its own miniseries. The animal protectors have also teamed up with Hellboy and appeared in Dark Horse Presents. You can check out some additional art from the new series over at the AV Club.
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