Jack Black and Kyle Gass, a.k.a. the comedy metal duo known as Tenacious D, will make the jump to comics later this year with a project written by the duo and drawn (really!) by Black.
The graphic novel, Post-Apocalypto, will arrive in stores in September from Fantagraphics.
“When we finished this book there was only one publisher we ever really considered,” Tenacious D said in a press statement. “Fantagraphics has been the shining beacon of creativity in comic books for decades. We are thrilled to release our magnum opus with the undisputed greatest and best comic book publisher in the world. Fantagraphics 4 life.”
Comics is just the latest medium to get the Tenacious D treatment; they’ve also released a movie and an album titled Post-Apocalypto.
“I’ve been a fan of Tenacious D for years and am absolutely excited to publish Post-Apocalypto!” said Fantagraphics’ Associate Publisher Eric Reynolds. “It’s about time these guys conquered yet another artistic medium.”
Some preview pages drawn by Black can be found below. Per the release, the graphic novel will be accompanied by “read-along audiobook version, voiced entirely by Black and Gass, to fully immerse themselves in the sights and sounds of Post-Apocalypto – characters, music and everything in between!”