Three former Batgirls will share the spotlight in a new ongoing series, appropriately titled Batgirls. Becky Cloonan and Michael Conrad will write the new series, with Jorge Corona and Sarah Stern providing art.
The all-ages title features Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown and Barbara Gordon, “who are only able to navigate the dark, gritty, and oftentimes scary Gotham City by leaning on each other’s friendship.”

Here’s the description from DC: Mentored by Oracle, the Batgirls move to the other side of town where Barbara Gordon can keep a better eye on them while the hacker Seer is still invading their lives. Steph may be too rash sometimes, and Cass doesn’t speak much—but what they lack in similarities they make up for with their mutual respect and love for each other…and what makes them stronger together as Batgirls! This rebellious group of Super Heroes team up to kick ass, and try to make it as normal teenagers in this pizza slumber party of a series, packed with energy, attitude, and friendship.
Check out some of the interior artwork:

And the first issue will come with multiple covers, of course; here they are, by InHyuk Lee (he has done two, which connect), Rian Gonzales and Dan Hipp:
And here’s a look at the solicitation info and covers for issue #2:
With their new secret muscle car and their new secret patrol route, Cassandra Cain and Stephanie Brown find moving to their new neighborhood— thanks to Oracle instructing them to “lay low”—that much easier to bear because they have each other. Steph begins witnessing some strange actions through the window of the building across the street and can’t help but investigate if the recent murders are connected to them! Meanwhile, Oracle realizes the most effective way for the girls to wear her newly upgraded comms is by piercing their ears, and Cass freaks out!
Art and cover by JORGE CORONA
Variant cover by HICHAM HABCHI
1:25 variant cover by RIAN GONZALES
$3.99 US | 32 pages Variant $4.99 US (Card stock)
ON SALE 1/11/22