About 19 months have passed since we last saw an issue of Rob Guillory‘s Farmhand, but a new crop of issues will sprout in April.
“A lot’s happened since the last issue of Farmhand, in the world of the Jenkins Farm and in our own,” Guillory said in a press release. “And I couldn’t be happier to finally bring to life what I believe will be the darkest, most intense chapter of this strange little story yet. Buckle up.”
Farmhand is about a farmer, Jedidiah Jenkins, who grows fast-healing, highly-customizable human organs. For years, Jed’s organic transplants have brought healing to many, but deep in the soil of the Jenkins Family Farm something sinister has taken root.

The new story arc picks up where issue #15 left off, as the Jenkins family tries to regroup after the defeat they suffered:
In Farmhand #16, The Jedidiah Seed now grows in the wild. Their farm in ruins, the Jenkins family tries to cobble together a path forward in a world ruled by the demonic Monica Thorne.
Guillory addressed the book’s absence from shelves in a blog post last year, noting 2020 was “not a particularly productive year” work-wise because of the pandemic and schools being shut down. He’s also done several stories for DC over the last year that have appeared in Truth & Justice, the DC Holiday Special and other anthologies. And he’s provided covers for Chu, the follow-up series to his and John Layman’s quintessential Image series Chew.
Farmhand #16 arrives in stores April 13.