Bryan Lee O’Malley + Leslie Hung’s ‘Snotgirl’ returns in December

The fashion blogger with a messy life is back, four years later.

Snotgirl, the story of fun-loving fashion blogger with allergy issues by Bryan Lee O’Malley and Leslie Hung, will return in December with issue #16 — more than four years since issue #15 arrived.

Snotgirl features Lottie Person, who lives the perfect life on social media, but her real life isn’t quite — but she’d love for it to be.

“This comic has been cave-aged for four years until the crystalline structures are perfect,” said O’Malley. “It will have an incredible mouthfeel.” 

The new storyline focuses on Snotgirl’s new relationship:

Now that fashion influencer Lottie Person is officially in a relationship with Caroline—the girl of her dreams—what kind of trouble will they get into next? 

Here’s a look inside:

And here’s issue #16’s variant cover, by O’Malley and Rachel Cohen:

Snotgirl #16 arrives in stores Dec. 4.

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