Marvel returns to the original ‘Planet of the Apes’ era in January

‘Beware the Planet of the Apes’ by Marc Guggenheim and Álvaro López is set before the original film.

Marc Guggenheim and Álvaro López will return to the setting of the original Planet of the Apes films for a new series featuring Cornelius, Zira, Nova and more. The four-issue Beware the Planet of the Apes will launch in January and serve as a prequel to the films.

“I’ve been entertained and intrigued by Planet of the Apes ever since I got a Mego Doctor Zaius doll as a birthday present, and my local television station ran the original pentalogy every afternoon for a week in the summertime,” Guggenheim said. “In many ways, Apes is one of the OG franchises, filled with mystery, fascinating characters, and some truly off-the-wall surprises.”

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