Marvel celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month this year with ‘Ghost Rider: Robbie Reyes Special’

Created 10 years ago by Felipe Smith and Tradd Moore, the young Ghost Rider returns to comics in a Marvel’s Voices special.

Jason Aaron left Robbie Reyes trapped inside the God Quarry at the end of his Avengers run, but if you’ve been wondering what the former Avenger has been up to, you can find out in October’s Ghost Rider: Robbie Reyes Special.

The anthology, which will include the Marvel’s Voices branding on the cover, will feature a new story by writer Carlos Hernandez and artist Moises Hidalgo that not only shows what Robbie Reyes has been up to since getting stuck, but also how his family and friends have reacted to the loss.

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It’s the kids from ‘Strange Academy’ vs. mathematics in a series of one-shots

Author Carlos Hernandez chaperones a trip to New York for the magical prodigies to meet Miles Morales, Moon Knight and more.

Their ongoing series might have ended, but school is back in session later this year for the students of Strange Academy.

Author Carlos Hernandez (Sal and Gabi Break the Universe) will take the kids on a field trip to New York to meet Moon Knight and two Spider-Man this fall, as the kids enter the Multiversal Math Bowl and take on a new enemy called The Equation. I always knew higher math was evil.

Here’s a look at the three one-shots, all written by Hernandez and featuring artwork by Juann Cabal, Julian Shaw and Vasco Georgiev:

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