Anders + Balám team for ‘New Mutants Lethal Legion’

The story of Escapade continues in miniseries featuring a new team calling itself the Lethal Legion.

Writer Charlie Jane Anders will team with artist Enid Balám to continue the story of Escapade and the New Mutants in New Mutants Lethal Legion, a new five-issue miniseries coming next year.

The story follows the recent New Mutants arc Anders wrote that teamed the trans superhero with some of Krakoa’s finest. Escapade was introduced earlier this year in Marvel Voices: Pride #1.

“I had so much fun writing a few issues of New Mutants, I didn’t want to get off this ride. So I was overjoyed when Marvel asked me to do a whole New Mutants miniseries of my very own, where I can stretch out and explore these characters in more depth,” Anders told “After the dark, scary storyline in ‘The Sublime Saga,’ I was eager to change gears and do something funnier and lighter, and it’s been a total blast getting to play around in the Marvel Universe.”

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