Cryptozoic Entertainment is reprinting the DC Heroes RPG for its 40th anniversary

The role-playing game returns via a crowdfunding campaign for ‘definitive archival editions.’

The long out-of-print DC Heroes RPG will return next year from Cryptozoic Entertainment, who are planning to crowdfund a 40th anniversary edition of the popular role-playing game.

Originally published by Mayfair Games, DC Heroes came out during the height of popularity for role-playing games in the 1980s, debuting about a year after TSR’s Marvel Super-Heroes RPG. It coincided with Crisis on Infinite Earths, the event comic that consolidated DC’s multiverse onto one Earth, and it included both pre-Crisis and post-Crisis write-ups of various heroes and villains. It was followed by a Batman-specific version in 1989, when the Tim Burton film was released, with a full second edition coming later that year. A third edition came out around the time of the Death of Superman event in 1993.

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Cryptozoic pumps it up with collectible DC high heels

Wonder Woman, Harley Quinn, Supergirl and more inspire line of ‘DC Pumps.’

Cryptozoic Entertainment is releasing a line of collectible shoes inspired by “the costumes, props, and personalities of DC’s favorite female heroes and villains.”

The “Pumps” line will include nine 2.25-inch vinyl figures of miniature high-heeled shoes — each with its own “blind reveal” shoebox — finished with pearlescent, metallic and/or glitter paint. The shoes included in wave one are Wonder Woman, Harley Quinn, Supergirl, Catwoman, Batgirl, Hawkgirl, Poison Ivy, Mera and Black Canary.

DC Pumps will be available at retailers this month for a suggested retail price of $9.99 each. You can see them “in action” in this unboxing video.

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Hey kids, mini comic spinner rack coming soon from Cryptozoic Entertainment

Images from Toy Fair beg the question: where can I buy a recreation of a vintage spinner rack that holds real comics?

I’m curious if anyone has ever done this before: per a report at Action Figure Insider, Cryptozoic Entertainment is showing off a cool miniature recreation of a vintage comic book spinner rack, complete with faux minicomics from DC Comics. Check out the image:

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