‘Older, grittier’ Avengers will face off with the Xenomorphs in ‘Aliens Vs. Avengers’

Jonathan Hickman and Esad Ribić will bring the two Disney properties together in a four-issue miniseries.

“Game over, Iron Man, Game over.” Jonathan Hickman and Esad Ribić will introduce a new take on the Avengers to battle the Xenomorphs from Aliens in a new miniseries coming this summer.

Aliens Vs. Avengers, or “AVA,” as the cover suggests, will be set in a new timeline many years in the future. As the Xenomorphs make landfall on Earth, they’ll find a grittier version of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes ready and waiting.

“Probably one of the coolest things about the project is how we’ve found really fun ways to ‘Avengerize’ Aliens and ‘alien-up’ Avengers,” Hickman told Entertainment Weekly. “I think fans will be surprised at how elegantly some of those things fit together. It really turned out to be a chocolate-and-peanut-butter situation.”

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