My favorite comics of 2024

And some favorite graphic novels as well.

It’s been a number of years since I’ve put together a list of my favorite comics of the year, something I used to do on a regular basis back in the Blog@ or Robot 6 days. Not from a lack of desire, but I spend a lot of time agonizing over my choices and, especially, the write-ups for each of my selections.

So this year I thought, “Screw it; just list your top 10 and be done with it.” So, here are my 10 — no, wait; I narrowed it down to 11, not 10 — 11 favorite comics, as well as five graphic novel favorites. I did not read as many graphic novels this year as I typically would for various reasons, but these are five I really liked.

So without further ado, here they are, in no particular order …

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Three Count | Secret Steward, Heart Acres, Who Killed Sarah Shaw?

Here are three comics to experience, to get addicted to and to binge today.

Three Count spotlights, as the title suggests, three things from comics today. It’ll be three things with links, no more, no less. I’ve got more secrets than you’ll ever know.

1. To Experience: Secret Steward by Sanshirō Kasama and Hikaru Uesugi

If you’re planning to hit the Viz Manga app later this week when the global crossover manga Ultraman: Along Came a Spider-Man arrives, let me point you to another digital manga you may want to check out while you are there — Secret Steward by Sanshirō Kasama and Hikaru Uesugi.

Yeah, I know — you’re probably looking at the images I’m sharing here and thinking, “I’m not sure this is really for me.” But trust me — this first chapter is worth a read.

Continue reading “Three Count | Secret Steward, Heart Acres, Who Killed Sarah Shaw?”