Cryptozoic Entertainment is reprinting the DC Heroes RPG for its 40th anniversary

The role-playing game returns via a crowdfunding campaign for ‘definitive archival editions.’

The long out-of-print DC Heroes RPG will return next year from Cryptozoic Entertainment, who are planning to crowdfund a 40th anniversary edition of the popular role-playing game.

Originally published by Mayfair Games, DC Heroes came out during the height of popularity for role-playing games in the 1980s, debuting about a year after TSR’s Marvel Super-Heroes RPG. It coincided with Crisis on Infinite Earths, the event comic that consolidated DC’s multiverse onto one Earth, and it included both pre-Crisis and post-Crisis write-ups of various heroes and villains. It was followed by a Batman-specific version in 1989, when the Tim Burton film was released, with a full second edition coming later that year. A third edition came out around the time of the Death of Superman event in 1993.

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