Crowdpuncher | Comics Are Dying, Vampires on Mars, Tanga + more

Check out crowdfunding campaigns you can support by Louis Southard, Kevin Maguire, Oliver Mertz and Alex Diotto, and more.

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If there are two axioms about comics that you hear over and over, it’s that they’ll break your heart and that they’re dying. Writer Louis Southard is taking one of those axioms and running with it in the anthology Comics Are Dying: The Comic.

For the better part of a century, people have said that comic books are dying. Crisis after crisis, the comic book industry has survived and lives to this day. So, to celebrate its harrowing journey into the 21st century, a satirical OGN about the history of comic books has taken shape. Introducing the ironically named Comics Are Dying: The Comic – a brief history and celebration of the comic book industry!

Southard has written 100 single-page stories about the comics industry that are being drawn by artists like Roger Langridge, Jacob Edgar, Beetle Moses, Ben Matsuya, Andrew Farago, Angela Wu and more.

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