Project Art Cred returns with a new story from Tom Taylor

Different artists draw the same script to show the importance of artists to the comic-making process.

Project Art Cred returned this week with another round of artists drawing the same comics script to show the impact they have on the comics you read. This time around, they tried their hand at a very topical script by Suicide Squad writer Tom Taylor.

We had an idea to demonstrate the impact artists brings to a comic script. We gave artists a one page script written by the legendary @TomTaylorMade and they put their stamp on it.

Here’s the script. Check out some of the results below …

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Darkseid unleashes the zombie apocalypse on the DCU in ‘DCeased’

New miniseries kicks off in May from by Tom Taylor, Trevor Hairsine, Stefano Gaudiano and James Harren.

In their latest round of solicitations and through an article on IGN, DC Comics has officially announced DCeased, a zombie story written by Tom Taylor with art by Trevor Hairsine, Stefano Gaudiano and James Harren. Like the original Marvel Zombies, this story will take place outside regular DC continuity — so expect a high body count.

“While the characters are the ones everyone knows so well, this is very much its own thing,” Taylor told IGN. “The reason being, the stakes are real. We can tell a story without holding back. No one you love is safe. Even the icons can fall.”

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Marvel to relaunch ‘Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man’ in January

Tom Taylor, Juann Cabal and Nolan Woodard team up to tell stories about Spidey’s ‘human side.’

Marvel has announced the return of another past Spider-Man title. Joining Amazing Spider-Man and Peter Parker, Spectacular Spider-Man in January is Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man by Tom Taylor, Juann Cabal and Nolan Woodard.

“[Spider-Man editor] Nick Lowe contacted me in a period where I was weighing up a lot of exciting writing offers, but as soon as I saw Spider-Man in the email, there was nothing else in my mind,” Taylor told “Spidey was my first Marvel hero and a character I’ve always wanted an opportunity to write. As a fan, this is a bit of a dream come true. I was already writing X-Men and Star Wars comics for Marvel, and to add Spider-Man to that is, frankly, a little ridiculous.”

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