Waid + Lupacchino revisit the original Teen Titans in a new series

‘World’s Finest: Teen Titans’ will spin out of Waid’s work on ‘World’s Finest.’

Readers of Mark Waid and Dan Mora’s World’s Finest know that the Teen Titans, Robin in particular, have played a key role in the series. Now the younger heroes who will one day become DC’s premiere superhero team will have their pasts explored in World’s Finest: Teen Titans by Waid and artist Emanuela Lupacchino.

“I’ve had so much fun writing the Teen Titans in Batman/Superman: World’s Finest that DC asked for more, and I couldn’t be happier,” Waid said. “Taking our cue from the main World’s Finest book, the series is set in the not-too-distant past, when Robin led the team—including Bumblebee and Mal Duncan—as they answered calls for help from kids worldwide and dealt with their celebrity status. The real fun for the wonderful Ema Lupacchino and me is revealing many surprising secrets about who each of the Titans really is. Even longtime readers will be stunned by these untold revelations.”

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