In Avengers #12, Jason Aaron introduced a new team of “Secret Avengers” called the Agents of Wakanda, who carry out various missions for the Black Panther under the guidance of Okoye. Agents like the original Wasp, Ka-zar, Gorilla-Man and Fat Cobra carry out secret missions and gather intel to help the bigger Avengers team.
Now those secret missions are becoming unclassified, as writer Jim Zub and artist Lan Medina team for Black Panther and the Agents of Wakanda
“This book is Kirby-fueled Mission: Impossible,” Zub said in an email. “We’re taking the kind of fun and frenetic action that movie-goers enjoyed so much in the Black Panther film and combining it with mysteries and mayhem in the Marvel Universe.”
Zub told that the team will face obscure monsters and new villains in adventures that will take them around the world, off world and to other dimensions.
“Industry veteran Lan Medina is our penciller and, much like Joe Bennett on Immortal Hulk, this book is a showcase for Lan to cut loose and show readers what he can do,” Zub said. “I think readers and retailers are going to be really impressed by perfect balance of classic storytelling and modern dynamic action he’s bringing to the page.”
The first issue comes out in September.