Just in time for the film of the same name, DC has announced a new Birds of Prey series featuring Black Canary, Harley Quinn and the Huntress. Writer Brian Azzarello and the art team of Emanuela Lupacchino, Ray McCarthy and Trish Mulvihill will bring the three heroines together to battle a new threat called Las Esposas de la Muerte.
“It’s cool to have a story to tell about these characters I’ve never worked on before, with Ema, a terrific artist I’ve never worked with before,” Azzarello said in the release. “Having Harley involved screws with the new BOP dynamic—hell, with every dynamic. She’s chaos, but she might be the most together member of the team. Canary, Huntress, and Montoya have a lot of damaged baggage. Ema and I are gonna unpack it.”
The story begins with Black Canary’s personal life spiraling out of control out of control, and an old flame (Green Arrow? I bet it’s Green Arrow) sending her on a mission against this new opponent — who the Huntress is also tracking. Add Harley Quinn into the mix, and well, craziness ensures, I’m sure.
“I’m thrilled to work on Birds of Prey with Brian Azzarello,” says Lupacchino. “The Birds are a super-team I’ve never worked on before but that I‘ve always loved. Harley is shining with her craziness, which is something I love to draw.”
Birds of Prey first appeared in the late 1990s, as Black Canary and Oracle teamed up to solve crimes, courtesy of Chuck Dixon, Jordan Gorfinkel and Greg Land. The team evolved over the years, with a rotating roster of members coming and going as needed. Later issues were written by Gail Simone and Tony Bedard, and the book has been rebooted a few times since then; in 2016, Batgirl and the Birds of Prey was launched and ran for about two years.
The first issue of the new series lands on Oct. 30.