DC’s second Round Robin tournament will come to a close this weekend, as voting has opened for the final round. The finals pit Suicide Squad: Dark by Zac Thompson and Garry Brown against Superboy: The Man of Tomorrow by Kenny Porter and Jahnoy Lindsay.
The tournament, which has been conducted through DC’s social media accounts and the DC Community message boards, allowed fans to vote on their choice for a new DC series. Last year’s winner was, appropriately, Robins by Tim Seeley and Baldemar Rivas, which brought together several of Batman’s former sidekicks. It went on to become a six-issue miniseries that recently wrapped up.

If you are a DC Universe Infinite subscriber — that’s DC’s all-you-can-eat digital comics platform — then you can view the first 10 pages of each pitch in the form of a downloadable comic. If not, you’ll have to settle for a single preview page:

Suicide Squad: Dark by Zac Thompson and Garry Brown
Meet the occult Task Force Dof Earth-13. Field leader Vampire Batman commands a top-secret team of murderers, monsters, and demons. The magic-dampening parasites hooked into their brains keep them following orders, and the promise of freedom keeps them motivated. Thanks to the mysterious benefactor known only as Milton, Amanda Waller has built the ultimate Squad…on another Earth! She’s handpicked a deranged team to topple the supernatural world of sorcery and permanent twilight. Yes, she’s going to do the unthinkable. She’s going to eliminate the League of Shadows…but to what end?

Superboy: The Man of Tomorrow by Kenny Porter and Jahnoy Lindsay
Conner Kent is back! But this isn’t the DC Universe he knows. With Jonathan, Kara, and Clark protecting the Earth, Conner feels like an outsider more than ever. Living on the Kent farm, he dreams of one day finally finding his place in the universe, and a purpose as Superboy.
Voting for this final round can only be done in the DC Universe Infinite community, so head over there to cast yours. Voting ends at 9 p.m. Pacific May 15.