Alyssa Wong and Jan Bazaldua will set Carol Danvers on a new path as they take over the ongoing adventures of Captain Marvel this fall. The relaunched series follows Kelly Thompson’s historic run on the character, as Wong and Bazaldua introduce an “omniversal entity” who has Captain Marvel in their sights.
“I’m so excited to be writing Captain Marvel!” Wong said. “Carol is such an iconic character with a rich history, and I can’t wait to add to her story. It’s an honor to work with Jan and I hope everyone enjoys what we’ve got coming!”
Highest, Furthest, Fastest! Carol Danvers is one of the powerhouses of the Marvel Universe, a woman capable of harnessing the energy of the sun. So if you’re coming for Earth? She’s the first one you take off the board… and someone’s figured just how to do just that. Introducing a new supporting cast and villains both beloved and dangerously fresh as Wong and Bazaldua’s exhilarating new series kicks off!
“Captain Marvel is one of my favorite female characters, that’s why I’m very excited to draw her,” Bazaldua said. “I have always seen her as a very self-confident woman with nothing she cannot face, and not just because she has super-powers, but because she has inner strength. That’s what I really enjoy about her and why I really appreciate this opportunity!”
Captain Marvel will wear a new costume in the series designed by Jen Bartel:
It’s based on the outfit Bartel designed for Captain Marvel for this year’s Hellfire Gala:
With The Marvels arriving this fall in theaters, it’s a good time to have a high-profile Captain Marvel launch. Look for the first issue on Oct. 25.
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