‘Cable’ suits up for the final battle of the Krakoa era

In a new miniseries, longtime Cable writer Fabian Nicieza and artist Scot Eaton bring together Cable and … Cable?

As a part of the Fall of House of X storyline that will effectively end the Krakoa era of X-Men comics next year, Marvel has announced Cable by Fabian Nicieza and Scot Eaton.

Nicieza has a long history with the character, having written him in the early days of X-Force as well as in the well-remembered Cable and Deadpool series. He and Eaton will have two Cables to play with, as grizzled veteran Cable teams with the younger Cable introduced a few years back to fight Orchis and a new threat called the Neocracy.

“It’s always fun to write Cable and challenge him with a big physical and emotional conflict,” Nicieza said. “Having written him more than anyone else on the planet, it’s also fun to add to that total!”

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