Spider-Man is older, ‘wiser,’ a husband + dad in ‘Ultimate Spider-Man’

Jonathan Hickman and Marco Checchetto’s new series will give Spider-Man’s marriage more than one more day.

Jonathan Hickman and Marco Checchetto’s Ultimate Spider-Man will “zag” instead of “zig” when it debuts in January. Instead of taking the approach of the original Ultimate Universe, where Spider-Man was rebooted as a teenager, they plan to present an older Spider-Man, who is married with a family.

So it’s more Renew Your Vows, less Miles Morales.

“When we decided that we were going to do a book about an older Peter Parker becoming Spider-Man, we really wanted to lean into him starting his super hero life from a very different place than what’s traditionally expected,” Hickman told Marvel.com. “Peter and MJ being married is one of many decisions we made that underline this being quite a ‘different’ kind of Spider-Man story.”

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