Slugfest is a roundup of cool announcements about projects coming to a shelf near you. This edition focuses on DC’s June 2025 solicitations. Hit the links for more information.
Last year’s king-sized crossover featuring King Kong, Godzilla and the Justice League gets a sequel series in June, as Brian Buccellato and Christian Duce once again helm the follow-up, Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong 2.
The sequel will feature Amanda Waller trying to create her own titans to combat any future kaiju attacks, as the Justice League travels to King Kong and Godzilla’s world and enters Hollow Earth. King Ghidorah, Rodan and Mothra will all appear, as well as a kaiju-sized Killer Croc.

Here’s the solicitation text:
In the aftermath of last year’s Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong, Task Force X launches a plan to develop hybrid Titans that Amanda Waller can control to guard against future titan attacks on our Earth. To stop Task Force X, the Justice League travels to Legendary Earth and must face the dangers of the Hollow Earth, Kong, and Godzilla, King of the Monsters!
Here’s a look inside:
The first issue will feature a main cover by Duce, shown above, with variant covers by Dan Mora, Alan Quah, Gabriel Hardman, John Giang, Kevin Maguire and Carlos D’Anda:

The first issue will arrive in stores June 4.
Trinity: Daughter of Wonder Woman

Writer Tom King and artist Belén Ortega will bring Trinity, Wonder Woman’s possible future daughter, into her own miniseries this June. Trinity has appeared in back-ups in the current Wonder Woman title, and this miniseries will feature her adventures with her two modern-day “babysitters,” Jon Kent and Damian Wayne, as they get turned into … corgis. Yes, the press release uses the term a “Crisis of Infinite Corgis,” so be prepared.
The preview pages are super cute:
And the first issue will feature variant covers by David Talaski, Dan Mora, Leirix, Dan Hipp and Tirso:

The first issue of six arrives June 11.
New History of the DC Universe

I was a big fan of the History of the DC Universe by Marv Wolfman and George Perez, which came out after Crisis on Infinite Earths back in the late 1980s. DC’s history has gotten several updates since then, so it makes sense that they’ve enlisted Mark Waid to write a new volume.
The first issue of New History of the DC Universe will feature artwork by Jerry Ordway and Todd Nauck, with different artists drawing each issue. This first one will focus on the Justice Society and the Golden Age of Heroes, as you can see in Chris Samnee’s cover. Each issue will be 48 pages and cost $5.99, and the first one also has variant covers by Michael Cho, Dan Mora, Ryan Sook and Scott Koblish:

Look for the first issue at your local comic shop on June 25.
Robin & Batman: Jason Todd

Jeff Lemire and Dustin Nguyen will return to Gotham in June for another look back at Batman’s dysfunctional relationships with his sidekicks. While 2021’s Robin & Batman featured Dick Grayson in his early days, this new miniseries moves forward in time to put the spotlight on Jason Todd.
Here’s how DC describes Robin & Batman: Jason Todd:
Batman has a new Robin, Jason Todd. Jason is a rash, impulsive and reckless kid with a troubled past, who Batman was certain could be molded into Gotham’s next protector. But can the Dark Knight save Jason Todd from the darkness within himself? And when a mysterious new villain, shrouded in white cloth and mystery, sets his sights on Jason, Batman realizes that even he has what it takes to train the anger and torment out of his new young ward.
The first issue will feature variants by Lemire, as well as John McCrea and Rafael Albuquerque:

Action Comics

Speaking of DC History and Mark Waid, he’ll return to Action Comics in June for a story featuring Superboy. Artist Skylar Patridge joins him for a story set in Clark Kent’s teen years on Kent farms and at Expo of Tomorrow in Metropolis.
“I start the book with Clark as a 15-year-old boy, learning to be a superhero for the first time,” said Waid. “What is that like, learning to use your powers at that age? What kind of challenges are you facing? Skylar and I are also bringing Smallville a little more up to date—it still has that rustic feel to it, but farms don’t look like that anymore.”

The issue will feature variants by Patridge, David Talaski and Leirix, and it arrives June 11.

The Superboy story is part of DC’s bigger Summer of Superman plans, which also include the debut of a new title featuring Krypto, as previously noted.

As a reminder, DC Pride 2025 also arrives in June, featuring stories by Vita Ayala, Jude Ellison S. Doyle, Maya Houston, Sam Maggs, Tim Sheridan, Max Sarin and more.
Finally, on the variant cover scene, DC is doing a series of tribute covers to George Perez, the legendary creator known for New Teen Titans, Wonder Woman, Superman and much more — including a book of Justice League-themed postcards back in the 1980s. Some of his artwork from that set will appear as variants on June’s issues of Batman, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Superman, Green Lantern, The Flash, Zatanna, Green Arrow and Birds of Prey.
That leaves a few pieces DC could use in the future, as the set also included Firestorm, the Atom, Hawkman and Hawkgirl, Martian Manhunter, Red Tornado, Elongated Man and the quartet of heroes who joined the league during their Detroit days — Vibe, Gypsy, Vixen and Steel. This seems like a great reason to kick off a new Vibe series, doesn’t it? Ok, maybe not …