Marvel explores the legacy of the Jedi in two new comics next year

A pair of ongoing series will debut in February and March.

Marvel will explore the legacy of the Jedi Order in two new Star Wars comics coming early next year — Star Wars: Legacy of Vader and Star Wars: Jedi Knights.

Written by Charles Soule with artwork by Luke Ross, the ongoing Legacy of Vader shows Kylo Ren’s quest to learn more about his grandfather, Darth Vader. The leader of the First Order sets a course for everywhere from Mustafar to Tattooine to confront his own inner turmoil.

“When fans talk to me about my Star Wars work, two of my Marvel comic runs come up more than almost anything else: my 2017 run on Darth Vader with Giuseppe Camuncoli and my 2019 series The Rise of Kylo Ren,” Soule told “I think both of those worked so well in part because they were set in parts of the Star Wars timeline full of unanswered questions about characters the audience really loves.”

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Thompson + Izzo commit crimes in remote places in ‘Blow Away’

The neo-noir thriller will arrive from BOOM! Studios in April.

Writer Zac Thompson and artist Nicola Izzo will channel their inner Hitchcock on Blow Away, a crime thriller kicking off at BOOM! this spring.

The story’s about a wildlife videographer who, while on a remote video shoot, may have witnessed and filmed a murder.

“Ever since I first watched Francis Ford Coppola’s The Conversation, I’ve dreamt of telling a paranoid thriller story. Blow Away is that dream made manifest through an incredible collaboration with Nicola,” said Thompson, whose known for his work on Ka-Zar: Lord of the Savage LandThe Marvelous X-Men and The Dregs. “We’ve crafted a neo-noir mystery about obsession and the slippery and subjective nature of the truth. Really, it’s a big love letter to Brian De Palma and Alfred Hitchcock where suspense is the driving force on every page.”

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Howard the Duck celebrates his 50th with Zdarsky, Quinones, Kibblesmith, Wu + more

Marvel will publish an anthology one-shot in November.

Howard the Duck, the little cupcake of a drake created by Steve Gerber and Val Mayerik in the early 1970s, celebrates his 50th birthday this year, and to celebrate, Marvel’s throwing a party — or putting out a one-shot, anyway.

The giant-sized Howard the Duck #1 will include a story by Chip Zdarsky and Joe Quinones, the creative team who brought the character back into the limelight about eight years ago.

“That’s right! Me and Joe Quinones are back and contributed a short story to this issue,” Zdarsky said in his Substack newsletter. “It was really fun getting to write our stupid gags again, and Joe has already had a cover shot down by Legal so you just know we’re bringing our A-game again!”

Ed McGuinness’ cover was not rejected by Legal:

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Image reveals many, many new titles at Image Expo

New projects announced from Matthew Rosenberg and Tyler Boss, Rob Guillory, J.H. Williams and Haden Blackman, Sam Humphries and Jen Bartel, Annie Wu and more.

As they’ve done in previous years, Image Comics dropped a metric ton of announcements at their Image Expo event, held today in Portland, Oregon.

The line-up of announcements this year includes five new titles from Todd McFarlane’s camp, new titles from Chew creators John Layman and Rob Guillory, two comics from Christoper Sebela, the fact that they’ll publish the Netflix/Millarworld titles starting with The Magic Order and much more. No doubt there are interviews aplenty dropping around the internet on all these new projects, so I’ll start with the text of the press release, then add art and commentary as I find it.

So let’s get to it …

Blackbird by Sam Humphries & Jen Bartel
Sam Humphries and Jen Bartel team up to co-create Blackbird, a modern fantasy story best described as Harry Potter meets Riverdale. It follows a young woman named Nina who discovers a neon-lit world of magic masters in Los Angeles. Now they’ve kidnapped her sister, and Nina is the only one who can save her.

“Blackbird is a labor of love, a coming of age story and beautiful people doing insane things with magic,” said Humphries.

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Waid, Wu reveal ‘The Lipstick Incident’ in ‘Archie’ #4

Find out why Archie and Betty broke up Nov. 25.

Fans of the relaunched Archie series have two things to look forward to in issue #4. First, of course, is the addition of artist Annie Wu, who joins writer Mark Waid on the series, and second, the revelation of what exactly “The Lipstick Incident” was.

“Finally, the details of the #Lipstic​kIncident are revealed as we see what exactly broke up the power couple of Archie Andrews and Betty Cooper–and you’ll never guess!” Waid said in a press release. Waid and Fiona Staples, who drew the first three issues, have had fun teasing what exactly “The Lipstick Incident” is in the pages of the previous issues, and it’s nice they won’t keep us guessing much longer. Wu’s been doing some killer work on Hawkeye and Black Canary, so it’ll be interesting to see what she does in rebooted Riverdale. To get a taste, check out some preview pages below, along with all the various variant covers for the book

Archie #4, by Waid, Wu, colorists Andre Szymanowicz and Jen Vaughn, and letterer Jack Morelli, arrives Nov. 25.

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