The Gloucester Sea Serpent surfaces in a story by Carol Lay in next week’s ‘Project: Cryptid’ #10

Check out an exclusive preview of a new story coming in next week’s anthology from Ahoy Comics.

Courtesy of Ahoy Comics, we’re pleased to share a preview of a new story by Carol Lay from next week’s Project: Cryptid #10.

If you’re not familiar with Ahoy’s first ongoing title, Project: Cryptid is an anthology of “unbelievably hilarious and hilariously unbelievable tales about cryptids from around the world.” Lay builds her story around the Gloucester Sea Serpent, which was first “discovered” in the early 1800s off the coast of Massachusetts. The creature shows up at just the right time for a young girl who could use some luck.

Lay, the creator of Murderville, Good Girls and Lay Lines, has had her work featured in The New Yorker, Mad Magazine, the Village Voice and many other publications. She’s also done several back-up pieces for Ahoy and was one of the contributors to their “Partially Naked Came the Corpse” round-robin story that ran through several of their titles last year. Her graphic novel, My Time Machine, will be published by Fantagraphics in September.

Lay’s story is accompanied by “Family Tree” by Atagun Ilhan, and the issue will arrive in stores on June 26. Check out the preview below.

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