Spurrier + Adlard will ‘Damn Them All’ in October

The new series from BOOM! Studios pits an occultist for hire against the 72 devils of the Ars Goetia.

BOOM! Studios has announced that Step by Bloody Step writer Simon Spurrier will team with The Walking Dead artist Charlie Adlard for a new horror series titled Damn Them All in October.

Damn Them All is the right project at the right time. A series mixing crime and occultism, it’s the perfect fusion of Charlie’s peerless storytelling and my own ghastly preoccupations,” said Spurrier. “It’s hard boiled, it’s clever, it’s bleakly funny, but above all it’s angry to its core. Angry at the world, at the injustice, at the £$%#s who run the show, and ultimately at the creator responsible for this utterly imperfect creation. This is a book about demons, in which—spoilers—the demons aren’t the bad guys.”

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