Marvel celebrates 400 issues of ‘Wolverine’ in April

Saladin Ahmed, Martín Cóccolo and Daniel Warren Johnson celebrate the milestone in an oversized issue.

If you were to go back and count up how many issues of Wolverine Marvel has published, you’d … likely have a hard time deciding what counted as a “Wolverine” comic, given how many one-shots and miniseries he appeared in. Marvel seems to just be counting issues of ongoing series here, and since #300 landed in 2012, it seems to make sense that we’ve now reached issue #400 — or we will with Wolverine #8 in April.

The “massive” issue will include two stories by the series’ creative team, Saladin Ahmed and Martín Cóccolo, along with a third story written and drawn by Do a Powerbomb creator Daniel Warren Johnson.

“A big anniversary issue is always a great excuse to go crazy with reveals and unveilings, and we’ve taken that to heart here!” Ahmed said. “In this over-sized issue an old enemy drives Logan’s new pupil the Wendigo to the brink, Logan finally comes face to face with the cryptic entity known as  the Adamantine, and a stunning new family revelation plants the seeds for the next chaotic chapter of Logan’s life.”

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Saladin Ahmed + Martín Cóccolo bring Wolverine back to his roots in September

Part of the ‘X-Men: From the Ashes’ line, the new title kicks off in September.

Marvel has announced that Daredevil writer Saladin Ahmed and “Stormbreakers” artist Martín Cóccolo will helm the new Wolverine title that will launch in September as a part of the X-Men: From the Ashes initiative.

According to, Wolverine will “turn his back on humanity, mutantkind and the X-Men” in the new series following the end of Krakoa and the “Sabretooth War” storyline that will finish out his current title. Which seems counter to the fact that he’s one of the characters in Gail Simone and David Marquez’s Uncanny X-Men title.

In any event, the new series finds Logan in the Canadian wilderness, where he’s back with his wolfpack and being attacked by his most hated foes, one by one, at the bequest of some ancient villain that “has been bubbling under the surface of the Marvel Universe since the days of myth.”

“Logan is simultaneously a mythic hero, an abused animal, and a man of flesh, blood, and adamantium,” Ahmed said. “Our story is about what happens when these parts of him all pull in opposite directions – and threaten to rip Logan to pieces that won’t come back together again.”

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‘Immortal Thor’ faces elder gods + buried secrets this summer

Al Ewing + Martín Cóccolo will tell new tales featuring Asgard’s All-Father starting in August.

Al Ewing will return to his “Immortal” roots this summer as he and artist Martín Cóccolo plot new adventures and uncover old secrets for the God of Thunder in Immortal Thor.

The title mirrors Ewing’s earlier run on Immortal Hulk, which wrapped up in 2021. In an interview with Polygon, Ewing talked about the differences in his approach to the two titles.

“Hulk was horror and tragedy,” he told Polygon, “but Thor tacks more toward fantasy and hope. Bruce Banner is fractured by his origin, going through a hell of his own making to gain the power of a monster — Don Blake becomes the person he truly is inside, and in so doing, gains the power of a god. (An unconventional god! Long hair in the early ’60s was more of a flex than we might credit, though I do remember Jane fantasizing about giving him a haircut.) To put my biblical hat back on for a second — if Immortal Hulk was the Old Testament, Immortal Thor is the New Testament.”

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‘Deadpool’ returns to his own title by Alyssa Wong + Martin Coccolo

The new ongoing series launches in November.

The Merc with a Mouth will return to his own title in November, courtesy of writer Alyssa Wong and artist Martin Coccolo.

“I love chaos,” Wong told “And what is Deadpool if not chaos incarnate? I’m honored to take the reins for Wade’s next solo adventure–expect romance, expect body horror, and expect a wild time!”

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Hulk + Thor collide next year in ‘Banner of War’

Donny Cates and Martin Coccolo set two Avengers on a collision course in a five-issue crossover that begins in April.

Two Donny Cates-written characters will cross over next year in Hulk vs. Thor: Banner of War.

The story, which kicks off with an “alpha” issue from Marvel before erupting into the Hulk and Thor monthly titles, will find the two Avengers brought together by “mysterious circumstances.” And then the fighting starts.

“Well, I was a little surprised that Marvel approached me to write this, if I’m being honest. I’m mostly known for writing very small, very quiet, intimate comics, so I had to—ha!! Sorry. Couldn’t keep that up. Yeah, this is gonna be bonkers as hell, guys,” Cates told “We’re going to break EVERYTHING! Happy birthday, Hulk and Thor! Hope you enjoy MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF VIOLENCE!” 

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