Jack Boniface faces a creature with a hearty appetite in this preview of ‘Shadowman: Soul Eaters’ #3

AJ Ampadu and Sergio Monjes send Shadowman to the Soulside in this tie-in to ‘Resurgence of the Valiant Universe.’

When Jack Boniface travels to the Soulside to convince Master Darque’s sister to help stop her brother, he finds he doesn’t have a leg to stand on — quite literally. Courtesy of Alien Books, we’re pleased to present a preview of Shadowman: Soul Eaters #3, which arrives in stores next week.

The issue ties into Resurgence of the Valiant Universe, the event series that is reigniting the Valiant line-up. Writer AJ Ampadu and artist Sergio Monjes have sent Shadowman to find Sandria Darque, Matser Darque’s twin, not only to help against her brother but also with a more personal mission — to save his friend Alyssa from a curse. As you’ll see in the preview, Boniface has some other challenges to overcome before he can find Sandria.

You can check out the preview below, along with the issue’s covers by Leo Lujan and Andres Ponce.

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Can’t Wait for Comics | 35 years later, Barry Windsor-Smith’s ‘Monsters’ arrives

This week brings another Ed Brubaker/Sean Phillips joint, a new Robin series, ‘The Marvels,’ new takes on Shadowman and the notorious Clone Saga, and much more.

Welcome to Can’t Wait for Comics, your guide to what comics are arriving in comic book stores, bookstores and on digital this week. This week brings new debuts from Kurt Busiek, Yildiray Cinar, Cullen Bunn, Jon-Davis Hunt, Joshua Williamson, Paul Cornell and, 35 years in the making, a new graphic novel from Barry Windsor Smith.

Check out a few highlights below, or visit ComicList for this week’s full list of new comics arriving in stores, and the comiXology new releases page for what’s available digitally.

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Valiant revives ‘Shadowman’

Cullen Bunn and Jon Davis-Hunt tapped to bring horror back to Valiant.

Valiant’s Shadowman will return in May with a new series by Cullen Bunn, Jon Davis-Hunt, Jodie Bellaire and Clayton Cowles.

“We’re taking Shadowman in some directions he’s never been taken before,” Bunn said in a press release. “He’s confronting a growing supernatural threat that is popping up all over the world. We are introducing the concept of the Blight, which is a weakening of the veil between our world and the Deadside. And these Blights occur in places of great sorrow and misery and evil.”

Bunn added, “We’re also introducing a new villain who will be changing the face of the supernatural in the Valiant Universe.”

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Valiant’s Shadowman meets Rae Sremmurd in new crossover

Eliot Rahal and Renato Guedes reveal what happens when the hip-hop artists meet the supernatural guardian.

Remember way back in 1993 when Aerosmith guest-starred in an issue of Shadowman? I think he helped prevent Steve Tyler’s soul from being stolen or something. In that tradition, Valiant has announced another comic/music crossover, as Shadowman prepares to meet the hip-hop duo Rae Sremmurd.

“Comic books are a form of entertainment. I get to make all the sounds and effects in my head. It’s just like you use your imagination – you go through the pictures and the pictures are always awesome. It’s like an escape from reality,” said Rae Sremmurd’s Slim Jxmmi. “Valiant – they have really good storylines. The art is always on point. I never know what to expect. X-O Manowar is one of my favorites. The Delinquents is cool. Bloodshot is fucking awesome. I love Valiant.”

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