Slugfest | Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong, round 2

DC’s June solicitations bring us a Trinity miniseries, Superboy by Mark Waid and Skylar Patridge, George Perez tribute covers and more.

Slugfest is a roundup of cool announcements about projects coming to a shelf near you. This edition focuses on DC’s June 2025 solicitations. Hit the links for more information.

Last year’s king-sized crossover featuring King Kong, Godzilla and the Justice League gets a sequel series in June, as Brian Buccellato and Christian Duce once again helm the follow-up, Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong 2.

The sequel will feature Amanda Waller trying to create her own titans to combat any future kaiju attacks, as the Justice League travels to King Kong and Godzilla’s world and enters Hollow Earth. King Ghidorah, Rodan and Mothra will all appear, as well as a kaiju-sized Killer Croc.

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Mad Cave announces the supernatural horror series ‘The Last Wardens’

Elliot Sperl, Amit Tishler and Rui Silveira head back to the 1970s for a grindhouse-inspired adventure.

Co-writers Elliot Sperl and Amit Tishler will team with artist Rui Silveira, colorist Francesco Segala and letterer Frank Cvetkovic for The Last Wardens, a “supernatural crime drama” coming from Mad Cave Studios this summer.

The Last Wardens is a sheep in wolf’s clothing,” Tishler said. “It’s designed to subvert expectations! The setting, atmosphere and visual style are clearly inspired by classic horror films, but the story’s lore, setting and structure are more akin to modern epics. Chaotic violence clashes with complex emotional drama, as the comic explores the theme of FAILURE, and how to chew it up, spit it out and ask for seconds. The series is the brainchild of a creative collaboration between Elliot and me, and despite differing in tone from personal works, it has all the elements I love in a story: historical fiction, supernatural elements, a slowly unraveling mystery…and some ridiculous amount of gore.”

The story focuses on small-town girl Daneille, whose long-lost brother returns from the Vietnam War in the 1970s with a mutation and a team of paranormal misfits on his trail.

“I’m a huge fan of ‘Rubber Monster Suit’ horror movies, and creating a comic that harkens back to the VHS-era has been a blast! But packing references into The Last Wardens was never the end goal, EVERY design choice in this series is intentional,” Sperl said. “For example, the 1970s setting plays a major role in our cast’s journeys, skills and the tools they have at their disposal. But the story wouldn’t pack half the punches if it wasn’t told through the lens of our POV character. Danielle Pryer is the heart and soul of this story, and the heartbreaking choices she’s forced to make are what turn this mayhem-fueled adventure into something that readers can connect with on a deeper level.”

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Slugfest | SDCC news + more

Today’s round-up includes items on Ms. Marvel, ‘Operation Sunshine,’ Zod, Supergirl and more.

Slugfest is a roundup of cool announcements about projects coming to a shelf near you from comics creators, publishers and more. Today’s edition includes some San Diego news we didn’t get to this past week, plus a few other items to note. Hit the links for more information.

If you read the Hellfire Gala 2023 special this week, then you know Ms. Marvel is playing a big role in what happens next to our favorite mutants. At San Diego, Marvel revealed more about Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant, the Fall of X miniseries featuring the recently resurrected Inhuman/mutant.

Here’s a look at the covers for the first three issues, along with the solicitation information (which was “hidden” when Marvel originally released their solicitations, to keep everything a surprise).

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Archie will reveal its first trans character in ‘Strange Science’ one-shot

Danni Malloy, who first appeared in the Archie Horror line on Free Comic Book Day, will star in the one-shot that arrives in August.

Archie Comics has announced the next one-shot in the Archie Horror line, Chilling Adventures Presents… Strange Science, which will arrive in August by writer Magdalene Visaggio and artist Butch Mapa.

They’re joined by colorist Ellie Wright and letterer by Jack Morelli on the title, which will once again feature the character Danni Malloy, who will be revealed to be a trans woman in the story.

“I’ve been wanting to make this happen for a long time, and it’s really cool to see it finally come to fruition,” Visaggio said. “I never wanted Danni’s trans identity to be gimmicky, or for her to feel like she was only created to be trans. So, I’d like to apologize for sneaking her over the line like this! I wanted you to have a chance to fall in love with her for who she is, not what she is. I’m honored I got to make it happen, and I’m grateful to Archie for never, not even once, pushing back on my insistence on making their books a little bit more queer. I hope Danni finds a good home at Archie with supportive writers and artists helping to keep her alive for years to come.”

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Stare into horror this fall in ‘Specs’

The new title by David M. Booher and Chris Shehan arrives from BOOM! Studios in November.

Writer David M. Booher, artist Chris Shehan and colorist Roman Stevens will present a classic view of horror in Specs, a new miniseries coming from BOOM! Studios this fall.

If you’ve read any comics from a certain area, you might remember those crazy mail-order ads for things like x-ray specs. Like in the bottom left-hand corner of this ad:

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Smash Pages Q&A: Transience and forgotten memories

Do you remember yesterday? I often barely remember where I parked but I more or less know what I do day to day. In Transience, Leo Johnson and Ricardo Mo have assembled a collection of stories that build a world wrecked from amnesia.

In a unique science fiction premise, they’ve imagined a world where a series of biological attacks have left cities and towns around the world without the ability to form new memories. Each morning, people wake up with the previous day lost to them. Each story is set in a different city around the world where years have passed since the attack.

The creative teams tackling these stories often come from the location of their story, and make up an international team of collaborators that helped form this world.

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