Paul Tobin + Carlos Olivares ‘String’ together a new supernatural thriller at Mad Cave Studios

The first issue arrives in November.

Mad Cave Studios has announced String, a new series about a woman who can see the “strings” that tie together murderers and their victims. String by writer Paul Tobin and artist Carlos Javier Olivares, with colors by Sara Colella and letters by Taylor Esposito, will kick off in November. 

“I’ve always been fascinated by the differences in how people see the world, and Yoon is a culmination of my fascinations. She can see connections others can’t. Secrets others can’t possibly know,” Tobin said. “It’s fun stepping into her world. Intimidating, though, too! And working with Carlos has been the most amazing part of it all, because he and I are doing the exact thing I’m talking about–working the same world in different ways! Whenever he turns in art I’m like, “Ooo! I didn’t expect that! But he’s RIGHT!”

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