The battle lines are drawn in this preview of next week’s ‘Resurgence of the Valiant Universe: Finale’

Fred Van Lente, Diego Giribaldi and Tomas Aira bring the event to a close next Wednesday — and set up what’s to come.

It all comes down to this, as they say. The war between Dr. Silk’s forces and Ivar the Timewalker’s allies comes to a head in next week’s finale of Resurgence of the Valiant Universe.

Writer Fred Van Lente and artists Diego Giribaldi and Tomas Aira have brought both sides of the conflict into the Faraway, the mystical realm with ties to all the immortal beings running around the Valiant Universe. And it’s time to fight! Meanwhile, Shadowman, Punk Mambo and an unexpected ally look to stop Silk’s ally, Master Darque.

This final bombastic issue sets up two future events coming from Alien Books: the Valiant reboot, Valiant Beyond, which kicks off in March; and Valiant Zombies: Resurrection, coming on Free Comic Book Day.

You can check out the preview below, along with the issue’s covers by Guillermo Fajardo, Nico Di Mattia and Richard Ortiz.

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Emgård + Aira reunite for the supernatural war story ‘The Secret Land’

The four-issue miniseries begins in June.

Christofer Emgård and Tomás Aira, creators of the supernatural war story The Whispering Dark, will reunite for The Secret Land, another miniseries coming from Dark Horse Comics.

The story follows a soldier at the end of World War II who learns his believed-to-be-dead fiancée is still alive and undercover in Antarctica, where the Germans plot their return to power.

“Ever since The Whispering Dark I’ve been looking to reprise my collaboration with Tomás, and The Secret Land finally provided the perfect opportunity,” Emgård said. “This mini-series began life as a pulpy horror tale (it does have both Nazis and tentacles in it…), but at its core it’s really a story about commitment, longing and loss. I feel Tomás has conveyed this beautifully through his evocative art and I hope the readers out there will feel the same.”

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