I’d be very disappointed if Shannon Wheeler, creator of Sh*t My President Says, wasn’t working on a comic book adaptation of the Mueller Report.
“It’s the Mueller Report… with pictures… and funny,” Wheeler said in the press release.
Wheeler will once again work with his Oil & Water collaborator Steve Duin to adapt the more than 400-page legal document assembled by Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III on his investigation into Russia’s interference with the 2016 U.S. election. IDW promises they’ll produce “a comprehensive, understandable and readable graphic novel version of the book every patriot needs.”
“Shannon and Steve have done an incredible job taking the rotten ingredients catalogued by Robert Mueller and turning them into a delicious satirical feast,” said the book’s editor, Justin Eisinger. “It’s funny. It’s maddening. But it’s a great resource for anyone that wants to be informed about the findings of the most important law enforcement document created in our lifetime.”
You’ll have to wait until April 2020 to read it, just in time for election year.

The Mueller Report: Graphic Novel
by Shannon
Wheeler & Steve Duin
ISBN 978-1-68405-668-2
$15.99 (US)
208-page, black & white squarebound softcover, 6″ x 9″
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