Quoted: Jonathan Hickman on Marvel Comics vs. Marvel Movies

“… one of the big mistakes that some people make at Marvel Comics is that we are reactive to what they’re doing in the Marvel films.”

Jonathan Hickman, whose work with on Marvel’s X-Men comics hits shelves next week with House of X #1, spoke with Entertainment Weekly this week about his plans for Marvel’s mutants. With the X-Men films winding down at Fox, EW asked him about what impact his work might have on a future Marvel Studios X-Men franchise:

“I think one of the big mistakes that some people make at Marvel Comics is that we are reactive to what they’re doing in the Marvel films,” Hickman says. “We should not be taking our creative cues from the direction they’re taking things in the movies. That kind of defeats the point. They have a billion dollars to play with, and we don’t. You can’t compete in that matter, and you shouldn’t. My argument has been [that] I should always be way out in front of that stuff. All of that stuff is being drawn from source material. It goes back to, are you being destructive or are you being additive? If you’re being additive and you’re on the big books, it’s inevitable that some of that stuff is going to get used. When Marvel films gets around to the X-Men and we’ve done interesting stuff and they want to use it, that’s awesome. If they don’t, then they don’t. One makes your job expendable, the other one makes you priceless. I like having value to my work.”

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