A ’90s comedian will fight against cancel culture and his own irrelevancy in the new AHOY Comics series Snelson: Comedy is Dying. The miniseries is written by Paul Constant, with art by Fred Harper, colors by Lee Loughridge and lettering by Rob Steen.
“Snelson: Comedy is Dying is more than just a surprisingly violent, unfortunately sexual, thoroughly filthy comedy about an irrelevant older comedian who refuses to give up his ‘edgy’ material from the 1990s,” Constant said. “It’s also a janky-ass carnival ride through the weird griftopia that’s built up around cancel culture, and a skewering of all the money-grubbing controversy seekers who can’t seem to shut up about how silenced they are.”

Melville Snelson was a big deal several decades ago, but according to the series description, that time has passed: This five-issue series chronicles the misadventures of a washed-up comedian whose career peaked when Dawson’s Creek was still on the air. Bitter because he missed his big break in the ‘90s, Snelson is struggling with the idea that he’s a victim of cancel culture or, even worse, forgotten altogether.
“Melville Snelson is an ass,” said Harper. “I hope there aren’t any new laws about creative team character abuse, or if there were, we should read them to make sure we didn’t miss any.”
Check out the first issue’s variant cover by Peter Bagge:

The first issue arrives Aug. 4.