Welcome to Can’t Wait for Comics, your guide to what comics are arriving in comic book stores, bookstores and on digital this week. This week brings new comics and graphic novels from Marvel, DC, Fantagraphics, Image, AfterShock, Drawn and Quarterly, and more.
Check out a few highlights below, or visit ComicList for this week’s full list of new comics arriving in stores, and the comiXology new releases page for what’s available digitally.

DC Festival of Heroes #1: The Asian Superhero Celebration (DC, $9.99): This 96-page one-shot anthology features the work of Ram V, Mariko Tamaki, Bernard Chang, Marcio Takara, Dustin Nguyen, Trung Le Nguyen, Greg Pak, Gene Luen Yang and many more, telling stories featuring Cassandra Cain, Katana, Green Lantern Tai Pham, the Atom, Damian Wayne and, debuting in this issue, the Monkey Prince.

Future State: Gotham #1 (DC, $3.99): Joshua Williamson, Dennis Culver and Giannis Milonogiannis tell the story of the Red Hood, the Magistrate and Gotham in a continuation of the story started in DC’s Future State titles at the beginning of the year. And it’s in black and white, which should really showcase Milonogiannis’ art.

Justice League: Last Ride #1 (DC, $3.99): What was originally announced as a DC Digital First title is, apparently, not anymore, and will arrive in digital and in print on the same day. After an “unthinkable tragedy,” the Justice League split up, but the universe’s greatest murder trial — and the creative team of Chip Zdarsky, Miguel Mendonça and Enrica Eren Angiolini — pulls them back together.

X-Corp #1 (Marvel, $4.99): This new X-title features “CXOs” Monet St. Croix and Warren Worthington doing business things, as Tini Howard and Alberto Foche bring together another team of X-Men just in time for the big Hellfire Gala storyline kicking off next month.

Fantastic Four #32 (Marvel, $3.99): Courtesy of Dan Slott, R.B. Silva and Javier Rodriguez, this issue is all about love. Doctor Doom is tying the knot to his bride Victorious, while Johnny Storm has to choose between his soulmate and ex-wife. This issue also features a back-up story starring Doom and Reed Richards.

Giant Size Amazing Spider-Man: King’s Ransom #1 (Marvel, $5.99): Nick Spencer’s long-brewing Kingpin storyline in Amazing Spider-Man come to a head in this week’s Giant-Sized Spider-Man, which features art by Rogê Antônio.
Heroes Reborn #2, Hyperion & The Imperial Squad + Peter Parker, The Amazing Shutterbug (Marvel, $4.99 each): Marvel’s Heroes Reborn event expands this week, as the miniseries is joined by two tie-in one-shots. Dale Keown joins Jason Aaron and Ed McGuinness on the main miniseries for two stories — one about Hyperion and one about Blade. Hyperion continues to get the spotlight in Heroes Reborn: Hyperion & The Imperial Squad #1, which focuses on his teen years when he led a variation of the Imperial Guard — who, as we know, are a riff on the Legion of Super-Heroes just like the Squadron is a riff on the Justice League. Clever! Finally, Peter Parker apparently isn’t Spider-Man in this twisted world, but he is still a photographer … and Hyperion’s pal?

Hailstone #1 (comiXology Originals, $2.99): Rafael Scavone, Rafael de Latorre, Wesllei Manoel, Bernardo Brice and Bis Stringer Horne team up for this horror/thriller set in Montana during the U.S. Civil War. It’ll be available digitally on comiXology.

Time Before Time #1 (Image Comics, $3.99): Bog Bodies writer Declan Shalvey and the Write It In Blood team of Rory McConville and Joe Palmer team up for a new time-travel series. It features two criminals in the future who steal their employer’s time machine.

The House of Lost Horizons: A Sarah Jewell Mystery #1 (Dark Horse, $3.99): The very solid creative team of Mike Mignola, Chris Roberson, Leila del Duca and Michelle Madsen present the return of Sarah Jewell in a murder mystery with an occult twist.

Scout’s Honor #5 (AfterShock Comics, $3.99): David Pepose and Luca Casalanguida’s miniseries about a post-apocalyptic society built around the rules of the Boy Scout handbook comes to a close, as Kit faces her final showdown with the forces of Scoutmaster Shepherd.

Silver City #1 (AfterShock Comics, $4.99): Olivia Cuartero-Briggs and Luca Merli head to Silver City, a gritty, purgatorial metropolis of the afterlife, as a dead roughneck gets involved in the mysterious kidnapping attempt of a newly dead girl.

Static (Dark Horse, $19.99): Not to be confused with the Milestone Media character of the same name, Static is an original graphic novel from Matt Lesniewski, creator of the excellent The Freak. It’s about a mad scientist’s muscle for hire, who hunts creatures for twisted Frankensteinesque experiments, but finds himself fighting his boss and the patchwork monsters he helped create.

Across the Tracks (Abrams/Megascope, $15.99): Fans of the Watchmen HBO series will want to check this out — this new graphic novel from Abrams’ Megascope imprint tells the story of the rise, fall and rebirth of Greenwood, Oklahoma, a.k.a. Black Wall Street.

Cyclopedia Exotica (Drawn + Quarterly, $24.95): D+Q publish another round of Aminder Dhaliwal’s Instagram cartoons, showing the microaggressions and overt xenophobia that immigrants have to deal with on a daily basis on a daily basis.

Stone Fruit (Fantagraphics, $24.99): Fantagraphics presents Lee Lai’s debut graphic novel, the story of three women and the child they all adore. It features Bron and Ray, a queer couple who enjoy their role as the fun weirdo aunties to Ray’s niece, six-year-old Nessie. As their emotional intimacy erodes, Ray and Bron isolate from each other and attempt to repair their broken family ties – Ray with her overworked, resentful single-mother sister and Bron with her religious teenage sister who doesn’t fully grasp the complexities of gender identity.