Through its many iterations, from its original run by Brian K. Vaughn and Adrian Alphona to the current one by Rainbow Rowell and Andrés Genolet, Runaways had made it to 100 issues, and Marvel plans to celebrate that milestone in August.
Issue #38 will be a giant-sized issue, as Rowell will work with three artists — Genolet, Alphona and Kris Anka. While they didn’t reveal any story details, Marvel did share the cover by Anka:

“Bringing Runaways back was a dream come true for me,” Rowell told “These kids are my favorite Marvel characters, and I felt like there were so many great stories we could tell with them. We’d have conversations when we were planning like, ‘What can we do in six issues? What could we do in 12? Could we get to 18? That would be amazing!’ It’s thrilling to be looking back now at 38 issues, and to see how each of the characters have grown. And it’s such an honor to be part of the team that reached this milestone with them.”
Runaways debuted back in 2003, as Vaughan and Alphona brought together six kids who found out their parents were actually criminals. The comic has gone through several volumes, with creators like Josh Whedon, Terry Moore, Humberto Ramos, Kathryn Immonen and Sarah Pichelli putting their mark on the characters. The current series, at 38 issues in August, is actually the longest the book has gone without being cancelled or relaunched.