The creative team behind one of Marvel’s most creative and fun comics from the early 2000s will reunite in February for The X-Cellent.
Writer Peter Milligan and artists Michael and Laura Allred, whose run on X-Force and X-Statix introduced us to Doop, Anarchist, Mister Sensitive, Vivisector, U-Go Girl, Dead Girl and many others (most of whom ended up dead), will return to Marvel for the new series.
“I’m thoroughly X-Statix to be working with Mike and Laura Allred again,” Milligan told “And it’s been truly X-CELLENT to discover that we’ve lost none of our alchemical fizz in conjuring up this new comic, this new title, this new beginning: The X-Cellent!”

In the new series, the X-Statix crew must deal with a new team set to steal their spotlight:
They were loved by their adoring fans. They were reviled by the harsh press. They lived, they loved, they fought and they died…a lot—all for the sake of fame. They were the X-Statix, a team of mutant celebrities fighting for a brighter world and an even brighter spotlight! But they’re old news now, because there’s a new mutant team that will live harder, love harder, fight harder and die a whole lot harder than those has-beens! Meet…THE X-CELLENT!
“The ol’ gang is back together again! Working with Peter Milligan is always a party,” Michael Allred said. “The future is looking brighter for 2022 as we get to show the world how we’ve been playing with our X-Statix Marvel mutants and their new adversaries, The X-Cellent! LOVE these characters! Everyone come play with us!”
> Doop, Anarchist, Mister Sensitive, Vivisector, U-Go Girl, Dead Girl and many others (most of whom ended up dead)
Been awhile since I read it, but that should be “all”, shouldn’t it?
Though it would appear some of them got better.
I didn’t think Doop actually died … I know he was part of the carnage in the last issue, but he showed up again in Wolverine and the X-Men not long after that seemingly ok. Also I’m not sure if Dead Girl can actually die. I mean, she did die, that’s kind of her origin, but ….
Comics are so confusing.