Author and former Doom Patrol writer Rachel Pollack will return to comics next week with The Never Ending Party from Comixology Originals. She’s joined by co-writer Joe Corallo (She Said Destroy), artist Eva Cabrera (Kim & Kim), colorists Cons Oroza and Claudia Aguirre, letterers Zakk Saam and Micah Myers, and editor Noah Sharma.
“This was great fun to work on,” Pollack said. “I got to write a Tarot reading heroine, play with how a street smart wild trans woman from the 1990s might look at our current world, and turn the Greek God of ecstasy, Dionysus, into a super-villain who’ll destroy the world just to keep the party going! And best of all, co-write a book with Joe Corallo.”

Here’s the description from Comixology: Twenty-five years after losing her lover Lulu in a cult ritual for Dionysus gone wrong, Mindy Morrow is trying to live her life and put the past behind her. Unfortunately for Mindy, the past won’t let her go. While she’s taking care of her friend Flavia, Mindy’s frenemy Kate Park is trying to lure her back into the old club scene, while something more ancient and terrifying awaits them all.
And here’s a preview:
The first issue of five goes on sale on Amazon this coming Tuesday.