Jeff Lemire and Gabriel Walta will hit the road again for Phantom Road, a “grindhouse horror/fantasy mashup” ongoing series that kicks off in March.
“As soon as I first worked with Gabriel on Sentient I knew he was a collaborator I needed to do more with,” Lemire said. “We began talking about a big creator-owned series at Image. Something massive in scope like all the books we loved when we were getting into comics. Something with the scope of Preacher and Sandman and Walking Dead. We began putting ideas together and Phantom Road is the result. A sprawling mash-up of sci-fi, horror and character driven road movie. We can’t wait to share it with everyone.”

The story begins when a trucker tries to help the victim of a car crash:
Phantom Road follows Dom, a long-haul truck driver attempting to stay ahead of his tragic past. When he stops one night to assist Birdie, who has been in a massive car crash, they pull an artifact from the wreckage that throws their lives into fifth gear. Suddenly, a typical midnight run has become a frantic journey through a surreal world where Dom and Birdie find themselves the quarry of strange and impossible monsters.
Look for the first issue on March 8.