British actor/comedian Rufus Hound has written a story that will appear in 2000 AD Prog 2362, the annual end-of-year blowout issue that features a giant killer Santa on its cover.
Hound, who has appeared in Doctor Who and voiced Waffles on Waffle the Wonder Dog, worked with artist Dan Cornwell on a new Strontium Dog story.
“I’d never believed that I’d get a chance like this,” Hound said. “That ACTUAL 2000 AD would ask me – ME! – to write so much as a single syllable for their illustrious pages. Not only that, but to be given the opportunity to reimagine something from the golden era of Strontium Dog? Proper dream come true stuff.”

Here are the details on the story:
In Strontium Dog: ‘Alpha’, Johnny and Wulf are en-route to the planet Aminovarm in the hold of a star cruiser when Johnny intervenes in a domestic incident. When the son gives Johnny an alien delicacy as a thank you gift, things go south and psychedelic in equal amounts!
“I’ve filled my story with classic SD references, but I hope the greatest act of fan service is the tale itself,” Hound said. “I’ve tried to give Wulf and Johnny something that I think most fans have always craved for them, whilst still letting them be Johnny and Wulf. With Carlos’ [Ezquerra] passing, getting this right seems even more important somehow. I just hope the amount of love and hard work I’ve lavished on it shines through.”
The 100-page issue will also include ongoing stories Feral & Foe, Helium, Enemy Earth and The Devil’s Railroad, as well as several one-off stories: a new Judge Dredd tale by Ken Niemand and Tom Foster, Azimuth by Dan Abnett and Tazio Bettin, Rogue Trooper by Geoffrey D. Wessel and Simon Coleby, Fiends of the Eastern Front by Ian Edginton and Tiernen Trevallion, and Anderson, Psi-Div by Torunn Gronbekk and Kieran McKeown. It arrives in stores Dec. 13.