Steve Foxe and Salva Espín, the duo behind Marvel’s X-Men ’92: House of XCII, will reunite for another miniseries based on the animated mutants — a four-issue X-Men ’97 series that leads into the upcoming animated show on Disney+.
“There’s a very good chance I wouldn’t be writing comics today if not for the impact X-Men: The Animated Series had on me as a kid—heck, the voice actors from the show are still the voices I hear when I read the comics today!” Foxe said. “Getting to reunite with my X-Men ’92: House of XCII collaborator Salva Espín on this official prelude to X-Men ’97 has felt like a bucket-list project a lifetime in the making, and Beau [DeMayo] and the rest of the ’97 team gave us a fantastic runway to come up with our own original tale that feeds right into what viewers will get to experience in the new season.”
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