Verse, the long-running webcomic by Sam Beck that went offline when Vault Comics began collecting it in print, has returned to the web as Beck and Vault prepare to release the third and final volume, Verse: The Song.
“I started Verse off as a webcomic, so you can’t imagine how thrilled I am that it’s finally returning to the web,” Beck said. “It’s always been important to me to bring it back to its original form, and I hope it gets everyone excited for the final book in the series.”
Verse is set on a world where magic is feared–only evil monsters known as Vell use it. But when the main character, Fife, discovers a girl named Neitya with mysterious powers, they team up on an adventure that will change everything.
Here’s a look at the cover for the third volume:

“In Verse Book Three, everyone is going to be in for an emotional ride! I’ve put the characters in this series through a lot, but they will have to face their greatest challenges and fears yet. When you immerse yourself in a world for so long, it’s hard to say goodbye, but I know I’m giving this story a satisfying ending,” Beck said.
And here are more details on the third volume, courtesy of Vault:
In Verse Book 3, we return to our heroes as the monstrous Vel step up their attacks, the last encampments of people find themselves defenseless as their only connection to magic falters. Their sole hope lies in Neitya, the young girl with horns and a mystical gift from the past. Torn between wanting to be free of the burden of destiny and wanting to protect her friends, Neitya is faced with a final, terrible choice: does she destroy magic—both good and bad—once and for all? And what if saving everyone means saying goodbye?

Look for the third volume to arrive in stores this summer.