Archie’s horror heroines unite in ‘The Cursed Library Alpha’

‘All of this matters. There is a fabric.’

If you picked up Archie’s Free Comic Book Day title this year, The Cursed Library, then you know it served as a prelude to a bigger event that will unite the Archie Horror-verse. All the various threads laid out in the Archie Horror line’s one-shots over the last few years will come together in The Cursed Library Alpha, the first of three issues that’ll be released later this year.

Magdalene Visaggio and Eliot Rahal will co-write the event, which will feature artwork by Craig Cermak. They’re joined by colorist Matt Herms and letterer Jack Morelli.

The Cursed Library event that Mags and I have been asked to helm is unlike any other moment in Archie Comics history,” Rahal said. “It’s both a throughline and nexus point that weaves together everything in the Archie Horror universe that’s happened so far. Its goal is to provide shape to the world that has been created. The Cursed Library is essentially saying: ‘All of this matters. There is a fabric.’”

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Victor Santos’ ‘Ginger’s Revenge’ is now available from Panel Syndicate

Pay what you’d like for a tale of teenage retribution.

It seems like new releases from Panel Syndicate, the digital comics imprint that first brought us The Private Eye, Barriers and Friday, have slowed down in recent months, so I was happy to get an email announcing a new title on their site — Ginger’s Revenge by Victor Santos.

Like all of Panel Syndicate’s release, Ginger’s Revenge is a “pay what you’d like” title, which you can then download as a PDF, CBR or CBZ file. It’s available both in English and Spanish.

And while many of the site’s titles are ongoing series, this is a complete story about one girl’s quest for retribution. It also includes a sketchbook section at the end, showcasing Santos’ process artwork.

Santos previously syndicated the story on Substack under the title Ginger Revenges, “a deliberate orthographic mistake” according to the creator, but he decided it was too strange and corrected the mistake.

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Rob Liefeld’s final Deadpool comic kicks off in August

The five-issue miniseries ‘Deadpool Team-Up’ brings the character together with Wolverine, Spider-Gwen, Crystar and more.

It seems like Deadpool is all about the team-ups these days. Not only will he and Wolverine buddy it up in their big road trip movie this summer, but now Marvel has announced that Rob Liefeld’s final Deadpool comic will bring the Merc with a Mouth together with several friends, new and old, in a issue miniseries.

Deadpool Team-Up will be written and drawn by Liefeld, who is also doing the covers. As for who exactly Deadpool is teaming up with, it’s an eclectic mix of Marvel mainstays and obscure choices: Wolverine, the Hulk, Spider-Gwen, Crystar (the Crystal Warrior!) and Major X, another Liefeld creation.

“Everyone has that one comic with that obscure character that they always wanted more of,” Liefeld said. “l, myself, have several of these and I pulled them from relative obscurity from the deepest corners of the Marvel Universe and placed them next to Deadpool, right at the center of an all new, cataclysmic adventure!”

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