As EC Comics continues its climb out of the grave, publisher Oni Press has revealed a trio of faces that will serve as “hosts” for the revived horror line — The Grave-Digger, The Tormentor and The Grim Inquisitor.
They’ll make their debut next month in Epitaphs from the Abyss #1, the first double-sized issue of the anthology. It will feature contributions from Brian Azzarello, Chris Condon, J. Holtham, Stephanie Phillips, Jorge Fornes, Phil Hester, Peter Krause, Vlad Legostaev and more, and in between those stories, you’ll find appearances by EC’s new “torturous trio,” as designed by Paklis creator Dustin Weaver.
“Usually a big part of designing characters is costuming, but in looking back at the original Tales From the Crypt comics, it’s clear that the most important and defining features of the horror hosts are their ghoulish faces,” the former Avengers and Star Wars artist said. “It’s all about the faces, and with these modern host designs I wanted to carry on that tradition.”
Check out the three new faces on Weaver’s “Horror Host” variant cover:

“Making sure the faces were suitably fiendish, properly cruel and the right amount of unseemly was key, but there’s also an effort here to go a step further and bring some more thought and characterization to their costuming and physicality as well,” Weaver continued. “Ultimately, it’s just such a treat to draw characters so unabashedly wicked.”
Courtesy of Oni, here are a few more details on each member of the trio:

The Grave-Digger
IN HIS CEMETERY, EVERY TOMBSTONE TELLS A TALE! As the central host of the upcoming EPITAPHS FROM THE ABYSS series from EC Comics and Oni Press, The Grave-Digger’s charming visage will soon regale readers far and wide with the tales of murderous intent and ill fortune that earned his cemetery’s denizens their places six feet deep.

The Tormentor
INTRODUCING HER ROYAL TRAVESTY OF PAIN! A one-eyed butcheress with a penchant for playful flaying and audacious amputation, there is no weapon of opportunity or implement of torture too grisly to escape The Tormentor’s notice. But she still holds a fondness for “the classics” – like her red-hot poker and rusty pruning shears!

The Grim Inquisitor
THE DEACON OF DOOM! THE VICEROY OF THE VICE! THE PRINCIPAL OF PUNISHMENT … OR SO HE’D LIKE YOU TO THINK! A mad monk with a fanatic’s eye for keeping his secret sect’s surprisingly extensive bureaucracy of terror running like clockwork, The Grim Inquisitor fears no man . . . except The Supreme Inquisitor, who demands extremely exacting results from his right-hand man and deputy master of obscure occult rites.
The first issue (of five) of Epitaphs from the Abyss arrives in stores July 24. Check out previews of two of the stories from it below, starting with “Killer Spec” by Holtham and Fornes:
and then “Family Values” by Phillips and Hester: