Three Count | MODOK, Gaza, David Lynch’s Superboy

Here are three things to celebrate, read and savor this week.

Three Count spotlights, as the title suggests, three things from comics today. It’ll be three things with links, no more, no less. One hell of a drug.

To Celebrate: March’s Most Magnificent Mental Organism Makes a Return

The calendars have turned, and with them comes the triumphant return of Marvel’s most cerebral celebration: March MODOK Madness! Thanks to the tireless efforts of dynamic duo Pedro Delgado and Brendan Tobin, this beloved showcase of oversized-cranium creativity is back for another year of artistic homage to everyone’s favorite Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing.

They are, of course, more than 20 days into this year’s effort, which means you have that much more MODOK art to click over to and enjoy. Here’s a sample of what to expect, by each of them:

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