Ryan North + Mike Norton team for ‘Krypto: The Last Dog of Krypton’

The bestest boy fetches a five-issue miniseries this summer.

DC’s “Summer of Superman” initiative is going to the dogs in June, as the publisher announced this week that the team of writer Ryan North and artists Mike Norton and Ian Herring will return to Krypton to tell the story of Superman’s bestest friend Krypto.

Krypto: The Last Dog of Krypton will take our heroic canine — the breakout star of the Superman trailer — from Krypton to Earth.

“Krypto’s origin has always been done at kind of a high level,” North said. “The little guy starts out on Krypton, ends up on Earth, and helps Superman fight crime. The chance to really define Krypto—to show what a little lost dog would go through if he landed all alone on a strange alien world named Earth—was really enticing. And I also fell in love with the idea of treating Krypto as the actual dog he is: he doesn’t talk, and we don’t cheat by reading his thoughts in balloons either. Mike Norton’s art captures exactly what needs to be ‘said’ in every scene. Krypto tells us who he is and how he’s feeling like all dogs do: through his expressions and behaviour, through body language and barks and snuggles and licks and sighs. Dogs are some of the most expressive animals, and we absolutely love them, and I wanted to tell a story that really captured and honoured these animals—Krypto in particular.”

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‘Minor Threats’ gets a spinoff miniseries starring ‘The Alternates’

Tim Seeley, Christopher Mitten and Tess Fowler join Patton Oswalt and Jordan Blum on the September-debuting series.

Minor Threats, the genre-bending superhero mystery by Patton Oswalt, Jordan Blum and Scott Hepburn, will get a spinoff miniseries in September. Oswalt and Blum will be joined by co-writer Tim Seeley, with Christopher Mitten and Tess Fowler on art.

“I love the first Minor Threats series so much that I couldn’t help but imagine another team of lovable losers in their world–this time, a squad of forgotten superheroes who got rebooted, and now crave their old lives so bad it borders on addiction,” Seeley said. “Jordan and Patton not only liked the idea, they added their creativity to make something that fits their universe perfectly!”

While Minor Threats paid tribute to the Bronze Age of comics and the “grim and gritty” titles of the 1980s, From the World of Minor Threats: The Alternates has a different era in its heart.

“If the first Minor Threats series was a love letter to the c-list working class supervillains, then The Alternates is one for the early Vertigo comics of the 90s like Doom Patrol, Swamp Thing and Animal Man,” said Blum. “Forgotten goofy heroes pulled into a suddenly ‘mature’ existence that both humanizes and alienates them. Tim is such a master and historian of comics, we were so thrilled with the new sandbox he built for us all to play in — once again offering a fresh and unique point of view we hadn’t yet seen explored in superhero comics. This story of existence, addiction, recovery and monster smashing was beautifully rendered thanks to the art of Christopher Mitten and paintings by Tess Fowler. “

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Pak + Miyazawa’s ‘Mech Cadets’ return to comics

The hit series from BOOM! Studios returns just in time for its debut on Netflix.

The story of Mech Cadet Yu will continue in comics this summer just as it starts up on TV. BOOM! Studios has announced Mech Cadets by Greg Pak and Takeshi Miyazawa, with colors by Ian Herring.

Mech Cadet Yu debuted back in 2017 and ran for 12 issues. It’s since been collected in three trade paperbacks, with a collection of all 12 issues due out today. It’s about an interstellar war, an alien invasion, giant robots and the unlikely teenager who finds himself at the center of it all. The new series picks up after Stanford Yu and his fellow pilots saved the world.

“The original Mech Cadet Yu series is one of my favorite of all the things I’ve ever written, so I’m beyond thrilled to be working with Tak on the next chapter in the Mech Cadets saga,” said Pak. “Tak’s bringing all his magic to every page and every panel, with that special combination of incredible genre thrills, amazing humor, and fantastic emotional subtlety. And all of our characters are a bit older and the world has gotten a bit more complex, with some shocking twists and challenges. I’m biased, of course, but it feels vital and real and just as fun as ever, and I can’t wait for y’all to see it!”

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Love, Marvel Style, arrives on Infinity Comics

A new line-up of romance comics debut on the Marvel Unlimited app, with the first story featuring Ms. Marvel and Red Dagger.

Love is in the app — the Marvel Unlimited app — as Marvel announces a new line of Infinity Comics featuring Ms. Marvel, Red Dagger, Viv Vision, Wolverine and more, as they look for romance in all the right places. Love Unlimited kicked off last week.

The first comic features Ms. Marvel and Red Dagger, whose chemistry is “off the scale” in a new comic by Nadia Shammas, Natacha Bustos and Ian Herring.

“This [arc] puts Ms. Marvel and Red Dagger in each other’s paths while trying to chase down the same villain,” Shammas said. “The last time they saw each other, things ended awkwardly and were unresolved. That tension, that push-pull, is totally the heart of this dynamic. Will they deny the feelings that are already there? Can they make that final leap? Read to find out.”

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