Dark Horse books a FastPass to ‘Ripperland’ next year

Steve Orlando, John Harris Dunning and Alessandro Oliveri bring a murderer from the past to an England that’s become the most magical place on Earth.

“What would Jack the Ripper think of an England that was turned into a theme park?” might not be a question you’ve ever asked yourself, but it’ll get answered next year in a new miniseries coming from Dark Horse Comic.

Ripperland is co-written by Steve Orlando and John Harris Dunning, with art and cover art by Alessandro Oliveri, colors by Francesca Vivaldi and letters by Fabio Amelia. And yes, it is indeed about Jack the Ripper time-traveling to 2188 England to discover the country became a Victorian-themed amusement park because it needed the money after Brexit.

Ripperland is unlike any book I’ve ever been part of–and I mean that in the best possible way,” Orlando said. “John and Alessandro are incredible talents, and the alchemy between us, across borders and across oceans, has created something truly special! This is Westworld meets From Hell in a gorgeous speculative fiction package! The streets of tomorrow’s London call…to yesterday! I can’t wait for everyone to see it!”

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Comics Lowdown: Stan Lee speaks out on elder-abuse allegations

Patti LaBoucane-Benson appointed to Canada’s Senate! Finding Olivia James at CXC! Plus: Grant Morrison, Matthew Thurber and why we love Spider-Man so dang much!

People: In an interview subtitled “Those I Trusted Betrayed Me,” Stan Lee speaks to The Daily Beast about elder-abuse allegations against his daughter and the removal of several of his associates from his life.

“There really isn’t that much drama,” Lee said. “As far as I’m concerned, we have a wonderful life. I’m pretty damn lucky. I love my daughter, I’m hoping that she loves me, and I couldn’t ask for a better life. If only my wife was still with us. I don’t know what this is all about.”

People: The Outside Circle comic writer Patti LaBoucane-Benson has been appointed to Canada’s Senate by Prime Minister Trudeau.

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