Marvel will ‘Bring On The Bad Guys’ this summer

Doctor Doom, Mephisto, Loki and more will star in a series of seven connected one-shots.

Marvel will resurrect an old title for a new event this summer. The publisher will pay tribute to Bring On The Bad Guys, a collection of villain-focused origin stories published in the 1970s, with a connected series of seven one-shots.

Marc Guggenheim and Stefano Raffaele will kick things off with Bring On The Bad Guys: Doctor Doom in June, followed by comics featuring Green Goblin, Loki, Abomination, Red Skull, Dormammu and Mephisto, which will take us through August. Creative teams for subsequent volumes have not been announced.

These are the seven villains featured on John Romita Sr.’s cover of the original collection:

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The Warworld Saga ends in August, bringing Clark back to Earth

Big Daddy Superman will finish up in space, then return home for a crossover with his son.

The Warworld Saga, which took Clark Kent off planet while his son Jon Kent took over as Superman on Earth, will wrap up this August in Superman: Warworld Apocalypse #1.

Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Brandon Peterson and Will Conrad will present the final battle between the forces of Superman and Mongul’s Unmade Champions.

Superman: Warworld Apocalypse is everything we’ve been building to with the Warworld Saga, with the final battle between Superman and Mongul, between the Authority and the Unmade, and the long-awaited reveal of the real mastermind in the shadows,” said Johnson. “There are some frankly shocking moments in this issue, and some huge reveals that will have long-lasting repercussions in the DC Universe.”

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