Al Letson + Valentine de Landro will explore the origin of Mr. Terrific

The six-issue miniseries begins in May.

Journalist Al Letson, host of the radio show and podcast Reveal, will make his return to comics later this year at DC Comics, where he’ll team with artist Valentine de Landro on a Mr. Terrific miniseries that retells the hero’s tragic origin.

They’ll work with colorist Marissa Louise, letterer Lucas Gattoni and a second artist, Edwin Galmon, who will “provide present-day sequences integral to the story.”

“Valentine and I are diving deep and telling the origin story of who Mr. Terrific is as a man, and as a super hero,” said Letson. “I’ve loved Valentine’s work for years, and working on this series has been a dream. I can’t wait for fans to see what we’re cooking up.” 

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Thomas + Matthews team for the family crime drama ‘Mugshots’

The first issue of the miniseries arrives in May from Mad Cave Studios.

Writer Jordan Thomas and artist Chris Matthews will team up on Mugshots, a new miniseries coming from Mad Cave Studios in May. They’re joined by letterer by Lucas Gattoni on a crime series with a distinctly English flair.

Set in Brighton, the story starts with a kidnapping and soon devolves into “family trauma, betrayal, murder and revenge.”

Mugshots is an incredibly personal story for me. It’s set around where I grew up, contains experiences I’ve had and features characters based on people I’ve known, and it’s a collaboration with one of my best friends whom I’ve known since we were 11-years-old,” said Thomas. “Mainstream U.S. comics are full of crime stories set in the States but not many set in England by English creators, so I’m excited to see the reaction to this series we’ve poured our hearts and souls into and so happy that Mad Cave are the publisher putting the book out as they never put any restraints on what we wanted to do. It’s a tough, violent, complex, and sometimes funny 36-page per issue 4-parter – not many publishers out there would let you do that. It’s gonna be wild.”

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Blue Beetle will face a ‘Scarab War’ in September

The ‘Graduation Day’ creative team will continue to tell stories featuring Jaime Reyes this fall.

With the final issue of Blue Beetle: Graduation Day arriving this week, DC has announced that Jaime Reyes’ adventures will continue in September with an ongoing series by the same creative team of writer Josh Trujillo and artists Adrian Gutiérrez, Wil Quintana and Lucas Gattoni.

The miniseries introduced two new beetles, Dynastes and Nitida, and they’ll continue to play a role in the new series, with the first arc titled “Scarab War.”

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Comixology Originals announces ‘Trick Pony’ by Greg Lockard + Anna David

The new graphic novel will arrive on the platform on Feb. 28.

While we ponder the fate of Comixology amidst all the layoffs and what that means for all those digital comics we’ve “acquired” from them, I guess there’s some solace in the fact that there are still new releases and announcements coming from their original comics line, Comixology Originals. That has to be a good sign, he says, as he realizes contracts were likely signed months in advance and maybe they just haven’t had time to sunset that program yet. Hey, don’t ruin my Sunday, okay?

Until Amazon is willing to share more (or not; their PR email seems to be a black hole) let’s focus on what we do know — that GLAAD award-nominated writer Greg Lockard has teamed up with artist Anna David and letterer Lucas Gattoni for a brand new western graphic novel, Trick Pony, which will arrive on the site on Feb. 28. It’s about a gay rodeo star named Jimmy.

“Trick Pony is a project that has been germinating in my head and heart for over a decade,” Lockard said. “It’s a love letter to all my favorite Western stories but through a distinctly modern lens. Jimmy’s adventure is about self-fulfillment on the path to making your dreams come true… and accepting that some shadows are going to follow you for life.”

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Mad Cave will launch ‘Monomyth’ in May

David Hazzan, Cecilia Lo Valvo, Marissa Louise and Lucas Gattoni present a story about ‘the darkest side of stories.’

Mad Cave Studios has announced a new fantasy/horror series by Nottingham scribe David Hazzan, with artwork by Cecilia Lo Valvo of Grimm Tales from the Cave fame. They’re joined by colorist Marissa Louise and award-winning letterer Lucas Gattoni.

Monomyth is “a story about the darkest side of stories…how they use people, twist people and affect people and the dangers of getting stuck telling the same tired tales.”

Monomyth has been a wonderful opportunity to explore both the magic of storytelling as well as to plumb its darkest recesses…because maybe it’s just me, but if I ever got a letter inviting me to a school for magic, I’d tear it up!” Hazan said. “And Cecilia and Marissa together have done such a wonderful job of illustrating that juxtaposition between wonder and terror as our cast discover that magic is both everything and nothing like what they imagined. Lucas’ innovative letters only intensify the mystery and terror in a world where magic is stories.”

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