Daniel Warren Johnson will write and draw a new ‘Beta Ray Bill’ miniseries

The new series spins out of ‘King in Black’ and ‘Thor,’ with Mike Spicer providing colors.

Beta Ray Bill will jump into the spotlight once again, courtesy of Wonder Woman: Dead Earth creator Daniel Warren Johnson. Johnson will write and draw a new limited series starring the worthy Korbinite, which spins out of recent events in both Thor and King in Black.

Colorist Mike Spicer joins Johnson on the title, which naturally will feature Fin Fang Foom.

“Beta Ray Bill is literally my favorite Marvel character, so it’s a dream come true, and there are images in this book I’ve been wanting to illustrate for years. It’s even more exciting that I get to write this series in the context of the current Thor universe,” Johnson said. “There’s a lot to unpack with Beta Ray and I can’t wait to share my story with you all.”

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Marvel announces ‘Thor & Loki: Double Trouble’

Mariko Tamaki and Gurihiru will reteam for a miniseries featuring Asgard’s favorite brothers.

Writer Mariko Tamaki will team up with art team Gurihiru for a new miniseries featuring Loki and Thor doing what they do best — getting into, and getting out of, respectively, trouble.

“Gurihiru are awesome. This comic is so deeply adorable it’s RIDICULOUS,” Tamaki told Marvel.com. “Very excited to get to write some more adventures with Marvel characters, ESPECIALLY Thor and Loki.”

From the cover art alone, it looks pretty fun:

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What Are You Reading? | Black Panther, Detective #1027 and more

See what the Smash Pages crew has been reading lately.

Welcome to What Are You Reading?, our weekly look at what the Smash Pages crew has been reading lately — including comics from the past, present and future.

Let us know what you read this week in the comments or on social media.

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What Are You Reading? | Red Goblins, celestial avatars, Klan smashers and Texas blood

See what the Smash Pages crew has checked off their ‘to read’ list lately.

Like I said last week, summertime is the right time for crossovers and comics. This week brought us a taste of Empyre, Marvel’s big crossover event featuring the Avengers, The Fantastic Four, the Kree, the Skrulls, the Blue Area of the Moon, the Swordsman and all that crazy cosmic space action Marvel fans have come to know and love. You can see Carla’s thoughts on it below, along with a list of comics Shane has been buying for his kids and Tom’s thoughts on two politically minded books from DC.

You can tell us what you’ve been reading in the comments below or on social media.

Shane Bailey

Lately my kids have started wanting to read more comics. My little one has always been into them, but now the older kids are as well. So I let them pick out their own comics to read on comiXology Unlimited.

My 9 yr old son picked Amazing Spider-Man: The Red Goblin by Dan Slott and Stuart Immonen, and he loves it. He wouldn’t stop commenting on how crazy scary Norman Osborn is, how it was gross when Carnage bit the head off a rat, and during one issue when the Goblin had a captive and was interrogating him, he wondered aloud over who it was, making guesses and gasping when he found out who it was and that Norman knew who Spider-Man was. It’s great seeing him get excited at things that are old hat for me. It made me appreciate those moments more.

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Cates + Klein bring the thunder in January

An all-new ‘Thor’ title will relaunch next year, pitting the God of Thunder vs. The Black Winter.

Donny Cates and Nic Klein have been deemed worthy to take over Thor after Jason Aaron’s epic run on the title. The duo will relaunch on all new Thor title next year, along with colorist Matthew Wilson.

“In all my wildest dreams, I could never have imagined a world in which I was worthy of writing Thor,” Cates said. “From Stan Lee and Jack Kirby all the way to the legendary run I am so foolishly following, by the great Jason Aaron, it is beyond an honor to enter the golden halls of Asgard, and to pave the path (far beyond the fields we know…) for the Thunder God himself.”

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“It all ends with ‘King Thor’”

Jason Aaron and Esad Ribic go back to the future for their final ‘Thor’ story.

Jason Aaron’s epic run on Thor is heading toward the finish line, as revealed in Marvel’s early solicits for September.

King Thor, the writer says, is where it all ends. Aaron is once again teaming up with Esad Ribic to bring his run to an end.

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It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood … and the neighborhood is Asgard

Thor meets Mr. Rogers in a team-up for the ages.

There’s a really fun fan comic making its way around the internet that features an expected but very welcome team-up — Thor and Mr. Rogers.

It’s written by Matthew Wisner and was turned into a comic by the artist known as Twistwood, creator of Captain Macbastard. It may not be canon, but it’ll strike you like lightning right in the feels.

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